Group Riding Orientation

Riding Formation

The standard formation is a double row, staggered and in one traffic lane. Within the group, a safe distance is defined as a MINIMUM TWO(2) SECOND DELAY between the rider, and the next rider directly ahead. This is a guideline for average highway riding and the gap should be determined by the road conditions, traffic and weather. The Road Captain may signal for single file formation when passing or road conditions and traffic require it.












Each rider commands his entire area within a lane and may move to left or right in it as required.

Stop Signs and Traffic Signals

At Stop signs and traffic Signals, riders are expected to come to a stop two abreast (side by side). The riders should proceed through the intersections in pairs with the motorcycle on the left starting first when safe to do so at stop signs. BE CAREFUL. .. EVEN IF ONE DRIVER SIGNALS FOR THE ENTIRE GROUP TO GO THROUGH THE INTERSECTION AS A GROUP, OTHER DRIVERS MAY NOT.

Also, keep in mind that a group of motorcyclists riding together does NOT exempt you from the traffic laws of the state. The Road Captain will try to stop the group if approaching a traffic signal that turns yellow. If the group gets too stretched out or split, the Road Captain may pull over to the side of the road or in a large parking lot waiting for the group so that the formation can be resumed

Once the Road Captain has indicated a pass, with a turn hand signal and
blinker, each rider in succession determines when to pass. One rider at a time passes and allows enough distance from the passed vehicle to ensure there is sufficient space for the following riders to enter back into the proper lane. Always perform a head check before passing to ensure the passing lane is clear.

Your Responsibilities
~ Will follow the instructions of the Road Captain, unless those instructions place the rider or any other individual in an unsafe situation.

~ Will ride with a "safety first" attitude.

The safety of all individuals, whether or not they are a part of the group, is of paramount importance.

~ Will not ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs that may impair your riding ability.

~ Stay with the group. If you know you will be dropping out, let the Road Captain know in advance.

Each rider is responsible for his or her own safety at all times.

Ride your own Ride.

How are Group Rides Organized? Chapter group rides are led by the assigned Road Captain in accordance with procedures outlined in the Harley-Davidson H.O.G. Handbook.

Each Road Captain will have a map and detailed instructions for the ride so we will not be dependent on one sole leader to arrive at our destination. At the pre- ride briefing, your Road Captains will be pointed out and the ride will be broken down into several small groups each being led by a Road Captain who will be the Lead Bike for your group. We will limit the size of each group to no more than ten motorcycles. The ideal group size is six to eight motorcycles.

Each group will have a Sweep rider which will be the last motorcycle in the group. The Sweep rider will assist any motorcycle that drops out of the group and may take the Lead motorcycle position if the group is split up

All group riders should arrive at the
place of departure at least 20 minutes before scheduled departure with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. A pre ride briefing will be conducted by the Road Captain explaining the route, comfort stops and other important safety information pertaining to the ride. All riders should then be prepared to start the ride.

The ride ends at the destination. However, you can usually find someone or a group to return with.


Hand Signals
Communication between riders is essential on Group Rides. All hand signals must be passed back by the rider and passenger.

The use of hand signals on a Group Ride is mandatory. For safety reasons, anyone refusing to comply will be asked to leave the ride.

The "start engines" signal may be used at the start of the ride, If using left hand, a U-turn is imminent.

After starting engines, the Road Captain may ask for a "thumbs up" (~) signal to indicate you are ready to depart.